Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Still recovering

Hi there folks, it's been a strange few days to say the least. I don't think I've ever really felt before in my life that I couldn't take much more, but I'm beginning to feel like that now. The only answer is to keep on doing things which are strong and positive. All this upheaval will pass in the end, that's what I keep telling myself. All of it seems to have gone beyond the realms of what should normally happen when you move house, but what can we do except go through it and learn? The thing that really winds me up is that we can't seem to be able to get on with our lives and do the things that we're supposed to be doing because we're so busy sorting everything else out. I really will be glad to see my Mum next week as she will take some of the pressure off, I hope. The policeman who came round to see us after the burglary said a mother-in-law was an even better deterrent than a guard dog! When I look out into the garden and it is so peaceful and lovely, it's hard to believe that we had a horrible person in there, maybe even watching us from time to time. I suppose it will take some time before our confidence comes back, perhaps soon we can even get to do some music again!!


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