Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mummy's Here!

My mum arrived safely and I have just been getting her settled in which is why I have been absent from my blogs for a couple of days now. It is lovely to see her and know that she is safe with us now. Also lovely for me because I don't have to do so much housework anymore, it was the bane of my existence, too time consuming when we have so many other things to take care of. I feel a lot calmer over the last few days, must be my mum's influence and also because our alarm is now installed and is a major deterrent for any undesirable characters lurking around in the bushes. We haven't had any more upsets or things go wrong which helps as well. It's really cold and everywhere has been covered in a thick blanket of frost over the last few days. I wonder if it will snow, that would be fabulous, I always get so excited when I see the snow, must be because I never experienced it when I was a child. So everything is content in the Cling household! Catch you later!


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