Saturday, January 19, 2008

We Rocked!!

Hi there everyone, I'm pleased to inform you that our gig was a great success last night, I gave a good performance, my best ever yet, and I'm just so happy about it, words can't describe. It did help that we had an audience for a change and it was the right sort of venue at the right time, but I was pleased with my performance because I know that I really can do it now. I can put that terrible experience of last time behind me. Mind over matter. I even managed to fight off my cold, despite spluttering and sneezing the night before, I think I am coming down with something nasty again though, must be all the damp and condensation in the house.
Anyway, Gerald is pleased that now he can go and get some more gigs, he really was serious that it was my last chance. See how tough and ruthless he is with me?
Only got back home really late , we had to drive all the way back from Brighton. Don't talk about how cold and windy it was down there, especially with the icy breeze blowing off the sea. It was quite buzzing down there for a Friday night, a bit raucous and busy like London, completely different to when I've been there in the day. Today, apart from going to the pet shop, I can take it easy, I will be chilling!


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