Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Winter Days

Hi everyone, isn't it funny in the winter, I feel so reluctant to emerge from our lovely warm bed into the cold daylight. Today wasn't so bad because it is quite mild outside. My favourite winter days are when it is very sunny, but crisp and fresh, it's the best time to run because you don't overheat. I'm still enjoying my country runs, but at the moment I am having to stick to the roads, the forest is too muddy, unless you're on a horse. The roads too have their treacherous moments, like when infantile lorry drivers wait till they're right up behind you, then decide to blast their horns, but there are moments when there is the absence of traffic and I can tune into the nature all around.
Yesterday evening I saw such a spectacle, the full moon was rising behind the forest, it was an enormous white saucer in the sky. I saw it when it was quite low down and at it's biggest, I was mesmerised. Imagine being in the forest when there is a full moon, it must be so vibrant, full of energy.
Well, I must get on with the day, I have things to do and songs to write. Catch you later!


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