Monday, January 21, 2008

Twilight in the forest

Yesterday we went for the most amazing walk in the forest at twilight and by the time we came home, it was really dark. There is such an incredible energy in there, I think it must be because the trees are so old, it really transports you into another space altogether. When we left home it was raining softly but we didn't let it put us off, we trampled over some very muddy fields and along some footpaths and all of a sudden there we were, swallowed up by the trees. As you looked up, the bare branches of the trees were silhouetted against the metallic sky, which was tinged with swathes of pink. We explored little footpaths that deviated off the main track, our feet quietly rustling the carpet of leaves. And as it grew darker, the birds started to sing a cacophony of songs, it was almost like they found our antics amusing as we stumbled around the mud in the fading light. We saw many rabbits and guess what, the tail end of a deer. It grew so dark in the end that we had to head up to the main road which was lit up by the headlights of all the cars, we must have looked like strange apparitions emerging all muddy and bedraggled from the dense foliage. The moon was high in the sky , covered by clouds and it reminded me of that very famous poem, The Highwayman, "The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas...."


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