Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mental Clutter

Today, I began my ten day mental challenge, which is not to focus on any negative thought or subject for more than five minutes, I must in that time alter my state of thinking and I must be very strict with myself , no matter how many days I have completed. I have done this on a few occasions and the last time I completed seven days. I was gutted when I allowed myself to dwell on something that was so trivial in the end.
I went running today, I just had to get out of the house and do something to get rid of some unnecessary mental clutter. I foolishly went through the fields, the ground was waterlogged, and treacherously muddy. I had to jump across a stream and as I landed on the other side, I slipped and went sliding, only preventing myself from nasty injury by grabbing onto an abandoned supermarket trolley, which I was surprised to see in such a location, but very grateful for. I then continued up a waterlogged hill, my lovely trainers getting totally ruined, I looked like I was on an army obstacle course, splattered in mud. I passed a country lady , walking her dogs, she was sensibly dressed in wellies and other country gear. as I passed her she said "That looks like rather hard work, you ought to wait until the spring". I decided she had a fair point and ran back on the streets where my Mum goes for her daily walk! Nyo is attacking my fingers as I'm trying to type, she is jealous!


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