Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting that festive feeling

Yesterday evening we were treated to the sights and sounds of a brass band playing Christmas Carols under the frosty streetlights of our road. It was very atmospheric and for the first time in ages it is beginning to feel like Christmas time.
Of course where I grew up , Christmas is in the height of summer, however this never stopped my Dad from getting a huge tree, which we would decorate with glee, I used to love the smell of the leaves wafting through the house, but best of all would be in the evenings when the twinkling lights would be turned on and mesmerise us for ages. The excitement on Christmas Eve was always unbearable. I always imagined Santa to arrive down our chimney on a sled, even though there was definitely no snow outside. We would always leave a big glass of beer on the mantelpiece as well, just in case he was thirsty.
Never had a problem getting up early, my sister and I would sneak into the living room, sometimes so early that it was still dark outside, and when I used to see all those presents under the tree, it was just the most wonderful, magical feeling ever.
How upset I was to be told one day that Santa wasn't real. I think I cried a river.


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