Monday, November 03, 2008

Bring it on!

Wow , what a weekend , we were so busy with Cling stuff that we barely had time to breathe. After the gig I was feeling a little bit down the next day and really tired as well. We had had a nightmare of a rehearsal before the gig. one of our pieces of equipment decided it just wasn't going to work anymore, it is like a vocal processor and enables me to have "live" harmonies when I sing, so for the first time I was faced with the prospect of going onstage with very raw vocals, completely out of my comfort zone. There was nothing we could do and Gerald had overworked himself to a point where he had a migraine for two days, so we really had to have faith in the thought that everything happens for a reason and to cut a long story short, it was actually the best gig we have done so far, and a really nice venue, it even had a dressing room which I totally took over and it was wonderful ti sit there and collect my thoughts before I went on. I learned the next day that several people missed our show because there was a fire on one of the main roads and there was traffic chaos in the area. But even so, we still need loads more people to support us at our gigs, so we will be promoting ourselves even more fiercely. We had the perfect opportunity over the weekend, we recorded two different radio shows. On Saturday we did an interview plus performed three songs live. We actually did acoustic versions, with Gerald playing the guitar, just to show that the songs do stand up on their own, it's not just all about wizardry. Then yesterday we recorded another interview, which was more in-depth and will be broadcast just before we do one of our gigs in November, the one at Harlow F.C!
Yesterday I had to take my mum to see one of our friends that has come over from Zimbabwe for a wedding. We had to drive in the depths of a horrible area to get to where our friend was staying. It was an awful journey, I got lost and it was dark and just a general nightmare. Anyway, we found it in the end and my mum was pleased to catch up on all the goings on, it all sounds a bit grim over there. When we came out someone had parked so close to my car that their car was touching my number plate, people are such pigs sometimes, no consideration for other people's property. We were glad to get out of there, my mum even said how grateful she was that we live in such a lovely home.


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