Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's the season of cancellations

Hi everyone, it seems everything's ground to a halt this week. On Sunday I had a terribly sore throat and since then I have had various symptoms of colds and zero energy. We even had to cancel our gig, which is not something that we ever like to do. Then today we were meant to film our video and the person we are working with informed us that she has flu, so now that is postponed till next week. Gives me more time to perfect everything and to be honest I'm not at my best because I feel so strange, and I'm also really feeling the cold, partly because it is really cold.
This morning I was sitting in a corpse- like state in the living room, out of the corner of my eye I observed a fox running about in the garden, I was surprised as they are nocturnal creatures, but closer inspection revealed that he had been injured by something as he was holding his back leg up as he ran. I felt sorry for him, I felt like yelling out that he could stay in the garden and rest , that no-one would harm him here, but he was in a panic and soon escaped from our garden, hobbling swiftly up the road. I hope he found refuge somewhere safe. Wouldn't it be amazing to really be able to communicate with animals? what goes on in the mind of a snake for example? I like to think that Nyo and I can understand each other. She certainly recognises different voices and different tones of voice. I can also tell what mood she's in by the way she shrieks. But it would be wonderful to have a deeper understanding, like a telepathic conversation. One thing I would ask her is what our burglar looked like, she's the only one who knows!
I just feeling like dozing in front of the telly and the fire, first I have to venture out again, to get something for dinner. Christmas preps are going well....


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