Monday, January 29, 2007

The adventures in the ford galaxy

The gas men is here and he's turned off our heating whilst he checks everything, not that it's that cold or anything, but still. Gerald is annoyed because he doesn't like his routine interrupted and he has to get ready to go out.
I wonder how my cousin is settling down in Australia, I haven't heard anything from her. We used to be really close because we are the same age and we were inseparable when we were teenagers. We were always getting into all sorts of trouble. I'm glad I don't have kids because they would probably turn out just as naughty as we were, I'm surprised our parents didn't send us to boarding school or something.
One of the earliest scrapes I can remember was with my uncle's car, he used to have a huge,gas guzzling Ford Galaxy. He also used to love going on picnics, the whole family had to come along. Well, whilst everyone was busy organising the tea and cakes, my cousin and I were playing inside the car, don't ask me why when there was such beautiful scenery around, anyway we let off the handbrake and all of a sudden the Galaxy started to roll forward and ended up with the front wheels in a ditch. We were not very popular at all, especially with my Aunt. I seem to remember some unfortunate souls were enlisted to help my poor uncle drag his car out, and from that day on it was forbidden to play inside it ever again.


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