Friday, January 16, 2009

I've been recording some vocals this week, we've had some equipment hitches so it wasn't as straightforward as it sounds, no pun intended. I'm still waiting for the famous letter, despite going to all the effort of chasing it up and being told that it was on it's way.
We have a sign on our door that says no cold calling, but still people insist on ringing the doorbell when I'm trying to sleep and invariably they are trying to sell something. Can't they read or what?
It's quite annoying.
I happened to be driving through the forest in the early hours, it was all misty and I saw loads of deer grazing by the side of the road. I thought one was going to run out in front of the car, he looked quite young with spindly Bambi type legs, very cute, I had to slow right down which gave me the opportunity to have a good look at him, then he ran off away from the road so I was pleased.
The sky has clouded over, gun metal grey, looks like we're in for a rainy afternoon! I got the gas bill today and I was too scared to look at it, Gerald had to stand next to me to catch me if I fainted.


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