Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank you all you talented people!!

Thank you all you talented people!!
Current mood: inspired

Hey everyone, we finally finished judging the remix contest! We have sent the list of winners and runners up to DJ Puzzle and he will announce them soon. Thanks a lot to everyone who entered. It was actually a very difficult task , because apart from getting a lot more entries than we expected, there were so many good ones and you could tell that a lot of people had put loads of time and effort into it. Thanks again to all of you cos you helped make it a great success and something that we would consider doing again in the future!
This week is rather taxing as I'm waiting for an important letter and of course it hasn't arrived yet. I also managed to have a confrontation with someone who was meant to be my friend in the middle of a major power cut! And of course there was the big freeze which didn't help. I am now longing for warm seas and tropical islands. Is there such a thing as the January Blues?


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