Friday, January 09, 2009

Well, we've been delayed with the video now, there have been some problems which need to be sorted out, so hopefully , fingers crossed, all the issues will be resolved. the problem with being a perfectionist is that you want everything to be perfect and not everyone sees it that way.
It's been a difficult week as Gerald has been really ill and I have been doing my best to look after him! not to mention the weather, I have never experienced such coldness in my life! When I came home in the early hours this morning it was -4 !!
Yesterday a thick, freezing fog descended on the forest and you could barely see a few feet in front of you. I must admit it was quite picturesque and very wintry, not that it helped much with driving because when I tried to clear the windscreen, it all just froze up. Wonderful!
Someone mentioned that tonight is going to be even colder, I haven't been able to get out running all week because the pavements are just frozen over with treacherous black ice, but I might go today, it looks like it's melted a bit now.
One of my friends had the misfortune of a blown gas main in their road and they had no heating or hot water for days, I couldn't imagine a worse nightmare.
Have a safe and warm weekend xxx


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