Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drummers and bass players wanted

Hi everyone, I got the day off to a healthy start by going for an energising run on the country roads, followed by some tidying up of the garden. Even though I spent a couple of hours bagging up leaves etc, it still doesn't look like I was ever out there. I suppose I should do a little bit everyday. I like to be outside, touching the earth, you soon forget about the cold and I find it helps me relax and sort things out in my head. I bought some lovely wind chimes the other day, they are quite Japanese in design, wooden , with a moving bird on top. Now when we go to sleep at night we can hear them clattering gently by our window. The other night poor Gerald had to go out in the middle of a storm,it was so violent that the wind was howling and I thought that the chimes would snap, so I asked him to go and rescue them for me. He was so sweet, he didn't even complain.
It's been a strange week really, it's like we are in limbo at the moment waiting for everything. We are currently searching for a bass player and a drummer to join us for live performances. If you are reading this and are interested, send us a message. You must be 21+ and live in London area, and preferably have some experience.
Have to go out now and do some shopping! Happy Days!


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