Friday, September 22, 2006

Interesting Times

Raining at last, after the oppressive heat, there is nothing more comforting than falling asleep to the sound of rain. Poor Gerald got a nasty nip from Nyo when he said good morning to her, not a very pleasant way to wake up, perhaps she was getting revenge for yesterday.
Have you ever looked up at the moon on a clear night, it looks so close, yet so mysterious. It seems incredible that soon there will be the first space tourists. If I had a few million I would definitely be on one of those trips, it seems that everything we used to dream about is now a reality. Which brings me back you what I was waffling on about the other day, the power of thoughts. So will the collective consciousness of man eventually lead the earth into self destruction? Look all around you, doesn't it seem as if all the doomsday prophecies are coming true, and according to the Mayans we only have a few years left. We live in fascinating times.
Cling news- soon the lyrics to our songs will be available to read on our website and don't forget you can still have a free download of Slipping Away OTD remix, available from our myspace page, Bye from Cling, see you tomorrow


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