Monday, September 18, 2006

Clinging on Monday

Hi everyone, energy is a fascinating thing, the energy of a thought can be very powerful, that's why I wish I could follow my own advice and not get caught up in negative thinking patterns. Have you ever noticed how one negative thought attracts more and more, before you know it, the whole world is your enemy? I feel that tremendous self discipline is the only answer, you have to be strong to turn those thoughts around and not get locked into them. Very easy to say, I am the worst culprit. In fact, the way my mother talks about me sometimes, you would swear I was quite villainous. I can be very moody, but I do snap out of it pretty quickly, I don't like confrontation or bad vibes, what's the point?

On a lighter note, I keep remembering another incident that happened with my cousin when we were traveling around Zimbabwe. We were staying in a chalet in a National Park and when we went out for dinner, we made the mistake of leaving our bedroom light on. Needless to say, by the time we returned the whole room was smothered in moths, they covered every imaginable surface, we stood there mouths aghast. We decided to turn off the light to get rid of them and we were almost suffocated by thousands of beating wings. We managed to find it quite hilarious, but not so my cousin's friend who was visiting from England. It was the final straw in a long series of misadventures and he refused to sleep inside, instead he slept in the car and demanded to be taken back to civilization the very next day!


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