Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Be good to yourself

I am slowly coming to learn the importance of being kind to yourself and looking after yourself and not necessarily from a perspective of vanity. For example you might think that I look after myself as I go running and do yoga etc etc, but quite often I skip meals and then end up with headaches. Gerald once pointed out to me that I wouldn't let anyone I cared about go off to work without eating, so why do it to myself? So yesterday I conducted an experiment. The simple act of going for a coffee and a piece of cake in the middle of my studies set about a snowball of good feelings. So I decided to be kinder to me from now on and attract better things.


Anonymous April said...

Your post has the same name as my thesis!

I am making a calendar that has different categories (loved ones, mind, body and soul) each has a set of stickers that have rewarding sayings on them. When you are "good to yourself" you place the sticker on that day in that category and at the end of each month, you can tally up your stickers in each category to see how balanced your life is.

I'm planning on selling them soon, so if you'd like to continue eating healthy maybe you'd be interested in a little help from my calendar :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010  

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