Friday, April 20, 2007

Lady Luck

I can't believe it, that paper still hasn't arrived yet, on the one week that we really want to see it, I don't understand because it's always delivered as regular as clockwork. Is it just because we might be in it?
The strangest people I have ever come across are gamblers, when they're winning they're all smiles, but as soon as their luck changes, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. They must be angry with themselves for throwing their money down the drain, but they don't see it. They seem to go into casinos with the misconception that they can actually win, hello!!! Greed is an ugly thing and gambling is one of the worst addictions I have ever seen, so destructive. I think I'll just stick to buying a lottery ticket every now and again.
Some people say that life is a gamble, I suppose it is in a way, but I am more inclined to think that we create our own destiny and it's all down to the choices that we make. Does gambling have anything to do with luck, or is it all timing and decisions?
This week has flown by, sometimes I feel like I'm in a time warp where life just keeps moving faster and faster! In the early hours of this morning, I happened to glance out the window and I was struck by how beautiful the spring blossom looked on all the trees.


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