Saturday, December 02, 2006

Snow memories

Hi everyone, very quiet down our way today, I'm normally not here on a Saturday,you know what they say, variety is the spice of life. My sister sent me photos of a huge snowstorm that they had in Chicago, wow it looked unbelievable, I wonder if they went out and played in it. I actually quite like the snow, I find it very calming. I only ever went skiing once in my life, a miracle really because I am terrified of heights and can't balance on anything like rollerblades or rollerskates.Anyway, I got dumped in the beginner's class and was pretty much ok the first day, apart from overshooting the run and ending up buried in the forest.It was humiliating to see how quickly all the little toddlers picked it up. The next day our instructor decided we were ready to progress to a proper slope, this involved going on a ski lift, which had very little to hold onto, I felt sick with fear by the time we got to the top, then we were supposed to jump off at the end. Of course I lost my balance and went flying into the orderly queue, knocking everything over. The best part was getting down, I turned a corner and it was so steep that I lost my nerve completely and collapsed in the snow, I was crawling down on my hands and knees, much to the amusement of everyone who could see me from the ski lift. Eventually my instructor took pity on me and came back to give me a hand.Strangely enough, this experience didn't put me off at all and I actually did continue for a couple of days.
When I first met Gerald, we had quite a bit of snow here that winter and when he used to walk me home in the early hours of the morning, it used to be so beautiful because the snow would glisten in the moonlight, it was very romantic, my heart always used to wrench when we said goodnight and he had to return on his own.


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