Saturday, June 02, 2007

Strange experience

Had a really interesting discussion with a friend of mine about the paranormal and past lives. I really want to try regression, I am very interested to know a bit more about who I might have been before this life.
When I was a teenager my best friend and I came across this guy who said he was a photographer. We met up with him for a few drinks and afterwards we were driving around the sleepy streets of Bulawayo trying to think of something to do. We decided to go to this picnic area at a small dam in the suburbs. In later years I was to learn that a lot of lay lines converge at that particular point and rumour had it that people used to meet there to practice black magic.
Anyway, we parked the car and were sitting there chatting, watching the moon over the water. All of a sudden, this photographer guy asked my friend to close his eyes and tell us what he was seeing. My friend started to describe a silver medallion , he said it was from the times of the Ancient Greeks and he really went into great detail about it. All of a sudden Mr Photographer opened the glove compartment and pulled out this very same medallion that my friend was describing, what a freak out! He then proceeded to tell us that he knew both me and my friend from a previous life and that I in particular had done him a great disservice. I can't remember what happened after that. I remember saying I wanted to go, but I can't remember how I got home or anything. It was such a weird experience. We never saw that guy again either, strangers are always noticed in a small town, so it seems he just passed through to give me that message! I've always been curious to find out what it was I supposedly did to him.


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