Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Renegade Cling

I read an amazing book once about this lady, she was a Buddhist monk and she went to live in a cave by herself for about ten years. I recall that she was somewhere like Tibet and she just shunned all material comforts and basically just meditated in the cave, the only people she ever used to see was when she had to make the occasional trip into the village to get essential provisions. She was pretty much self sufficient though, in the summer months she used to grow her own vegetables, like potatoes and things. She must have had a lot of guts and determination as well, imagine doing such a thing. I think the object was to gain some sort of enlightenment which she did, but when she came back into society it took her a while to integrate again. It was really a fascinating encounter, one that appeals to me. Maybe when I am old and grey and all alone I will become a crazy hermit and live in the wild, close to nature. Perhaps when our governments all want us to have microchips inserted into our skins I will be one of those rebels who refuses and then it will be impossible to live in society anyway, we will be outcasts. Already we are moving towards cashless society, it won't be long before the micro chip arrives. Perhaps we are already being subliminally brainwashed through mass media like TV, you never know what people in power are up to.


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