Monday, May 21, 2007

The crow

Hi everyone , hope you all had a fabulous weekend. For the last few weeks I have been really pleased because in all the time I have done yoga, I have not been able to do the crow posture, it is the only posture that has evaded me for ten years, mainly because of a weakness in my left wrist where I fell off a galloping horse and broke my arm. Now , after running for a couple of months, I have obviously built up some muscles and some strength and I can now do the crow, it is fantastic to know that persistence really does outweigh resistance and also goes to show that you should never give up on something as you will get there in the end.
A very kind person has created the most amazing visuals for our gig, I can just imagine what it will look like on a huge screen, it's so encouraging when people want to help you out just because they like what you do, it shows that we must be heading in the right direction.
So what are Cling doing today? It's rehearsal studio day, every week I have to lug more and more equipment down there, I need a servant to help me pack it all into my car, I think we should just get two of everything, it would save us dismantling it all the time.


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