Monday, May 07, 2007

Blast from the past

Discovered today that Nyo has deliberately set out to destroy our new sofas. We can't watch her all the time and she uses every opportunity she can to find an exposed area and then either try and chew it, or poo on it. She really is a naughty creature and it proves that pets are intelligent.
Saw one of my old friends from the meditation centre yesterday, she was delivering leaflets down our road, not to our place mind you, I must be on the blacklist which isn't very spiritual. It was quite funny because she was all dressed in white, hair scraped back and no makeup, and I was in my car, dressed in black with loads of makeup and blond hair, the perfect example of body consciousness. They would say to their students, you see this is what happens to you when you don't come to meditation classes anymore. It was good to see her though, because we used to get on really well, apart from when we went to India and she became really bossy and disapproving of my antics. In fact if she ran the meditation centre, I would probably go there now and again, but unfortunately it is run by the Indian version of Hitler in a sari, I'm surprised anyone goes there really. Still, it was all a good experience for me and I did learn a lot about myself.


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