Sunday, May 06, 2007

Healing Waters

Tonight we are going to have a meal in London and treat ourselves because we are working extra hard at the moment. I now have to practice my keyboards whilst waiting for my laptop to start up because there is no other time I can do it, unless I just start getting up earlier. I'm not complaining though because it's all so exciting. It will be interesting to see how I feel closer to the time of the festival.
This year for my birthday I would like to go to some thermal spa waters, like in Bath. The last time I bathed in such waters was in a place called Hot Springs in Zimbabwe. The water from the spring was pumped into a swimming pool and at certain times of the day it would be really hot. There were so many minerals in it, it used to have a funny smell and you could easily float on it. We used to sneak down there in the middle of the night, when it was pitch black. The sky would be ablaze with stars and we would lie on our backs in the hot water and just look at the moon and the milky way. It was a very trippy experience, must have been the effect of all the minerals seeping into our skin. Sometimes the moon would be so big you could almost touch it. I remember how soft my skin was after a few days and how relaxed we were. So I would like to find some healing waters to go and collapse in. My birthday is a few days after the festival, it will be perfect timing.


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