Friday, May 04, 2007


Hello everyone, I'm back, I had a long and arduous dental appointment yesterday which is why I didn't write. It was strange because I had to have a filling done and there weren't even any drills involved, they just stuck this stuff which smelt like superglue on my tooth and then used some kind of laser to set it, and that was it. I was quite impressed, unfortunately I had to have so much anaesthetic for the other work that the one side of my face was all numb and itchy and dribbling, I ended up with a strange expression and it was most difficult to talk for a couple of hours. I always get paranoid that my face will stay numb forever.
When I was about five I had a terrible experience at the dentist because I had to have all my front teeth out, my Mum had given me too much Ribena and it really messed up my teeth. In those days in Zimbabwe I think they still used laughing gas and to this day I can remember the awful feeling of coming round, my mouth full of blood, it was so traumatic. And then because I had no teeth I felt like a really ugly child and was embarrassed to smile at anyone. I really grew up thinking that I was ugly, even when my teeth did grow back. It's funny how something traumatic can affect you for years afterwards.


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