Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Hi everyone, I'm sitting here munching on a piece of toasted fruit loaf, isn't it weird how you associate different foods with your own personal experiences, fruit loaf always reminds me of my Mum.
The first time I took Gerald to Zimbabwe, we both got really ill with some bug and we both ate things that seemed to act like a catalyst. For me it was a Viennese shortbread, within half an hour of eating it , I started to feel really dodgy and several hours later, that was it, I don't really want to describe it , but it was like having severe food poisoning. I remember Gerald rushing off to the chemist to get some fluid replacement tablets and other medicines. We didn't know at the time, but lots of people were getting ill from the tap water, so of course every time I had my medicine, instead of making me better, I got worse and worse.
The night before we were due to come back to the UK, we drove out to my uncle's place to say goodbye to him and he offered us some scones, When we arrived back at my house, that's when Gerald started to feel really ill and he had to travel the next day, it was truly, truly awful, I don't know how he managed to get on the plane in such a state.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that I can't even look at a Viennese whirl without feeling sick and poor old Gerald has never been able to face another scone in his life!


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