Monday, May 28, 2007

Come and visit London

Today is Africa Day in Trafalgar Square, I have been looking forward to going and the weather is blowing a gale and raining, not as much as yesterday though. We will still go, it's something different to do. Sometimes when I have to go into London over the weekend, my route normally takes me down near all the main tourist attractions and people always seem to be so happy and excited. Sometimes when you live somewhere you take things for granted and you just become used to everything. I often forget what a stunning and magnificent city it is and I think parts of it will always be that way. When I was about 11 our family visited London and I remember standing on Bond Street with my Mum saying that I would live here one day and I have no regrets at all, I've had some of the best times in my life here. Even though my heart longs for open spaces, I think I will always enjoy London, so I suppose the answer is to have a bit of both.
Gerald is still working tirelessly, he will wear himself out, but he won't listen to me, he will just carry on and won't be satisfied until everything is perfect. All I have to do is run and sing.


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