Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pain and thugs

We're both fed up of pain, would you believe we are both still suffering with our repsective complaints, Gerald still has the shoulders from hell and I still have the remains of a migraine. I did try a natural remedy which is very good for headaches and it did bring me some relief, a very kind Indian lady taught me this a few years ago. Take some fresh lemongrass and cut a little bit off the end of the stalk,( not the thick end), then just make a cup of black tea and brew it with the lemongrass. Add sugar to taste and sip slowly, you will be surprised at how quickly it works.
Yesterday I was doing a headstand and whilst upside down I noticed something strange underneath the sofa and it was all torn, the silly fools who delivered it must have damaged it when they moved it in, nice of them to say something , little did they know I would discover it in such a fashion. Now I have to wait in this afternoon for someone to come and repair it. Imagine being so dishonest as not to say anything, it makes me mad.
Then, in the supermarket, I saw an old man being bullied by an angry youth of about 19, what a thug, he even hit the old man on the back of the head. I yelled for someone to call security, but it was too late, the thug ran off. What a disgusting way to behave, I felt sick inside. The only consolation is that the thug will get what's coming to him one day.


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