Monday, June 04, 2007

Gerald's Neck

Hi everyone, I certainly seem to be getting some healing practice as Gerald has a frozen muscle in his neck, it is like having permanent cramp and he is in so much agony that he can't sleep or even sit down for any length of time. I woke up with a migraine as well , but we still soldiered on to go to rehearsals, what a day.
This whole business with the neck has been culminating over a period of about five years, it was the cause of us getting together in the first place. I had recently completed a diploma in Indian head massage and was keen to acquire some clients, so one day I was down the studio and Gerald was complaining about the very same pain and so I offered to try and sort it out for him. Over the course of treatments his neck did improve and we started to become closer. He later told me that the sound of one of the chopping movements used to remind him of two bodies banging together, I just used to like going round there as I enjoyed his company, I always felt that somewhere along the line we connected on a deeper level. Of course we had known each other for several years before these encounters, but I guess the time was never right for us to be together before. Destiny decided but made us wait until we were both ready.


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