Thursday, June 07, 2007

Floods in the desert

Gerald is still writhing around in agony, I've never known anyone to have pain like it, now he is going to see an osteopath, but he has to wait until next week. What a terrible thing to happen and I know how frustrating it is when you have a lot to do. He says it is worse than toothache, so it must be bad.
For years I've been making little clicking noises with my tongue when I talk to Nyo and she has got into the habit of imitating us, it is so funny because we don't know who is making the noise anymore. Yesterday I had a "conversation" with her for ages, it is so funny when she answers back, I don't know if she'll ever say any words though.
So the G8 summit is focusing on climate change, I still say it's too little too late. A resident of Dubai told me yesterday that it has been raining so much there that they are almost wading through water, something unheard of in a Gulf state, you're normally lucky if you see a shower of rain in a year. What's next, snow in the Sahara? A heatwave in Alaska? These are interesting times as the doomsday prophecies unfold before our eyes, the more violent and destructive humans are, the more mother nature retaliates. Perhaps the earth will be wiped out and all the animals will return to rule the world like the dinosaurs.


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