Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Our delightful neighbours

I'm sure the house next door is haunted because everyone who lives there seems to go off the rails. When we first moved in here our neighbours were a young couple and another guy who had a pit-bull terrier. My mum befriended the guy with the dog and he was OK , but eventually moved out because the couple were having really violent arguments and had not paid their share of the rent for months. They were a mean looking pair and obviously used to drink a lot, on more than one occasion the police were round there because their fighting got so bad, she was just as bad as him and used to give as good as she got.
Thankfully they moved out and peace reigned once more, the house was vacant for a very long time, until the arrival of our new neighbours, a couple and their toddler. At first they were all respectable and friendly, I always liked the woman , but there was just something about her husband that wasn't totally genuine, something shifty in his eyes and the fact that he always seemed to be lurking around in the garden, peering over into ours. Anyway one day I came home and he had cut down all the trees and hedging separating our gardens, I was horrified and mad with him, but managed not to confront him about it, all we did was put up a fence which turned out to be much better. The only one who used to speak to him after that was my mum as he used to wait for her to go outside in the mornings. One day I saw this really rough looking character coming down the road, as we passed I realised it was him and was quite shocked by his appearance. Then he started doing all weird things like pacing up and down his garden in an agitated manner for ages. One morning he rang our bell at 830 to ask us for cigarette papers, we were so groggy and shocked, I still can't believe it. Then we saw the police around there a couple of times and he disappeared for about a week. He always seems to be arguing with his wife, who looks like a frightened rabbit and yesterday he was hammering on their front door for several hours, demanding that she let him in. So don't ask me what's going on there, something tells me that house will be vacant again soon.


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