Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well, we have been enjoying the fantastic weather, yesterday we went for a long overdue walk across the fields. One field was purple in colour, I'm not sure exactly what was growing there, but it had purple flowers. This looked absolutely stunning against the blue sky and the other green fields. Of course it was lovely to be in the sun and feel warm for a change. Then last night we had a barbecue and ate al fresco which was also very pleasant, it did get a bit chilly towards the end though, but fortunately the house was warm inside.
Today I am full of anxiety, I don't know whether it is pre- festival nerves or something to do with the fact that I have been a victim of identity fraud and am in the process of sorting it all out. I have to constantly tell myself to put my energy into creating as worrying is unproductive.
We had a good rehearsal the other night anyway, no major hitches which was a relief.
I'm off outside now to soothe my soul a little.


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