Thursday, May 07, 2009

I'm back

Hello it's me, yes I'm here, it has been absolutely ages since I've written a blog, shocking and disgraceful really as I'm always inviting people to read it, but perhaps I needed the break. I'm looking forward to our photo session next week, mainly because it's going to be done properly, by that I mean professionally, in a studio with makeup artist and all. So it will be interesting to see what I look like in the finished product. See how music involves so many other things as well. Be prepared to work very hard if you get into music.
Anyway, yesterday I had the pleasure of going for afternoon tea in one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever visited. It nestles in the heart of London and from the outside just looks like a very old fashioned building. When you enter however, you are swept up a white marble staircase into the most opulent surroundings and as you look up you realise that the entire ceiling is glass, it is quite magnificent. I love going to places like that, London has so many well- hidden secrets.
Nyo survived another nasty accident , her cage was toppled over by a strong gust of wind when I was outside with her the other day. That little bird has had more lives than a cat!! She is getting so old now and spends most of her time sleeping, just like a cat.
Speaking of cats, we grow more and more attached to Coco every day. She has the sweetest nature, like when I return home from somewhere, she charges up the passage to greet me, she is quite plump and her belly almost drags from side to side as she runs, she looks so cute.
Enough of my ramblings, I have a load of admin to do!


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