Saturday, March 28, 2009

On the edge

It's been another hectic and stressful week, with all manner of things going on. How am I meant to look gorgeous and seductive with all this going on, I might be stronger to emerge from it all , but I don't want to end up haggard!
Basically what happened is that we needed a power supply for a firewire interface, we went to all the trouble of ordering one from Jersey and waited all week for it to arrive and when it did it was the wrong size, Gerald ended up having to do some soldering to try and sort it out, we spent loads of time and money all for nothing, because eventually we discovered that it was the actual socket on the unit that was faulty. Then we had to rush around to buy a brand new interface and now we are having problems to get it to work with the laptop, which we obviously need to go out and play live with. In the meantime the festival is looming and we really need to get it sorted.
I have had antics and games with Coco this week, she is a funny cat. Today she doesn't seem interested in going outside, can't blame her really as the weather is atrocious, but she has been exploring quite a lot on her own, even managing to get trapped in-between the fence and the hedge and going off into the gardens next door. To be honest I thought she would be outside a lot more than she is, but perhaps she is still a bit overwhelmed by it all. Like most cats, she seems to spend most of her time sleeping, she even snores loudly!
So the clocks go forward tonight, summertime officially here- where? Looking forward to the light evenings and the promise of some heat.


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