Monday, February 02, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Woke up this morning to a blanket of snow, I've never seen it so thick and abundant, there is a tree in the garden whose branches are actually straining under the weight of it all. Our little town now looks like an alpine village and was really quite deserted, I didn't even see one car attempting to go down the street the whole morning, and I'm not surprised as the roads are treacherous and sludgy.
No trouble to us, we decide to go for a walk in the forest and it was like going into a winter wonderland, the trees looked as if they'd been dusted in a thick layer of icing sugar, the thick snow hard and crunchy beneath our feet. All around the air was silent as if the whole world had been muffled, even the birds seemed too cold to sing. Mind you as we were walking the snowfall just became even more and more intense, thick flakes clinging to our scarves and our hair, we were pleased to come home and escape their icy grasp and I am now sitting here yawning in front of the fire...


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