Monday, October 26, 2009

The blog is back

The blog is back, the veil is slowly lifting and inspiration to write is returning. "Where have you been?" I hear you gasp, "What's been going on?" Well, the truth is, I'm a bit of a fruitcake really, like all creative people. I started to get anxiety attacks , this was all brought about by circumstances that occurred at the beginning of the year which threatened my security, and even though nothing happened to me in the end, I started to wake up every day with knots in my stomach. After a few hours this would get even worse, sometimes I would even shake and feel sick. Anyway, needless to say this was not good for the creative process, even though I did make up silly songs about it and tried to joke about it. One day Gerald said to me that none of it was real and this made me look at it in a different perspective, slowly I began to look at it and started to deal with it. Deep breathing exercises, meditation and healing all helped me, but as it was something in my mind, it was more complex to deal with. To cut along story short, I am getting over it now and I am feeling more like myself again. Loving life.
Will be in Amsterdam over the next few days, can't wait to tell you all about it ....


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