Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I must be on the road to recovery as my appetite has returned with a vengeance. There's nothing worse than having a plate of delicious food set before you , then just being unable to eat it. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to waste anything and even in the hotel I was struggling to get through my meals. Now I can rebuild my strength and my fitness.
I was in the newsagent yesterday and I noticed that Madonna was on the front cover of no less than 3 major publications. No matter what people think of her, the lady has some staying power. She seems to be a big fan of discipline, which I can relate to, I think to be successful at anything requires tremendous self discipline. I feel uncomfortable if there is no discipline in my life, I feel unfocused, as if I am not achieving anything. Mt meditation teacher once said to me that there is a freedom that comes with discipline, because it keeps you steady in all situations. And when you think about it, everything has order in its existence.
Which brings me to the next question, can you ever have too much discipline?


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