Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One of those days

It was one of those days yesterday. Continuing the saga of my car , when I collected it the idiots had parked illegally and I had been issued with a ticket which I promptly took into the showroom. Before I could demand to know what the meaning of this outrage was, the sales assistant took it out my hand and said they would take care of it. I still thought it was a cheek to be fleeced of all that money and then come out to find a ticket on the windscreen. Gerald on the other hand thought it was hilarious , so at least something good came of it.
Nyo has not been well, she had two seizures yesterday and then injured herself on something, I think she broke a feather and there was blood all under her wing. Of course it is impossible to pick her up and examine her properly and then she wouldn't stop chewing at it, as animals do to wounds, and she seemed to be making it worse. I was all ready to take her to the vet this morning, but she seems OK and there is no sign of any more bleeding, she can fly and everything , so she is under observation. I must confess that I even brought her to sleep in our bedroom in case she needed me in the night.
Today I am going to meet my sister for a coffee and try and do some shopping as well whilst I am out. I've invited my sister and her husband over for lunch in a couple of weeks time, I haven't told my Mum yet because they fell out with each other and don't really get on that well anymore. Of course neither of them will tell me what it is all about, some ghosts from the past no doubt. It puts me in a strange position as I am in the middle. I have tried to get them to make up many times, but it never seems to work out. I'm sure one day they will get along again!


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