Thursday, February 28, 2008

Falling apart

Our gate has completely fallen off its hinges, it must be the continuous pressure of being driven into, ha ha. In fact the whole place is falling apart, this morning I got up all bleary eyed then tried to pull the blind up and the whole thing collapsed on my head. Good job Gerald has all the necessary equipment to perform the repairs. I'm sure this sort of thing never used to happen when we lived in the flat, everything was so easy. You should see the state of the garden as well, it needs a massive clear up operation before the summer. I am of the opinion that we need some assistance to do this as opposed to trying to sort it all out ourselves. It all sounds wonderful in theory, but it takes time and you need all the right tools etc. I'm really looking forward to the summer now, it seems so close especially since we have been having all these sunny, warm days. Needless to say , we were not affected by the earthquake that struck somewhere in England. All the prophets of doom say that the UK will be destroyed by floods and earthquakes. The only time I have ever felt an earth tremor is whilst I was visiting California and the walls literally shook. It was a very strange experience indeed. I liked being in California, I used to love the sunsets as the sky always looked different shades of purple. I went there in the winter, it was still quite warm and every evening I used to go and sit in the hot tub and contemplate! Seems like a long time ago ..


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