Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lazy sunday

Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying your weekend. I had a long sleep today, in fact if it hadn't been so sunny this morning, I would probably have stayed in bed longer, but the promise of going outside, even though it's rather chilly, prompted me to get up.
All is well in the Cling household, Gerald had his car checked over by a mechanic and he has done ok, the car will go for a while yet, so he was relieved that his instincts had been right about it. Even I am enjoying his car because it means I don't have to walk to the station anymore when I take the train into London, it's great to be lazy now and again. We are just getting ready to go out for lunch, it is kind of like a belated Valentine's lunch. There are lots of lovely places to go and eat, not far from here, a good excuse to go for a drive and find a quaint place in the middle of the forest. Then perhaps we will go for a walk afterwards.
Watched a good film last night, it had quite a disturbing theme, but it was the kind of film that was totally unpredictable, therefore I reamined interested and managed to actually stay awake for the whole thing, it's got to be one of the few complete films that I've seen in a while. I don't know what it is about tv that sends me off to sleep all the time. My Mum is the opposite, she can happily watch tv all day and all night. I think Nyo was getting on her nerves yesterday, My mum was complaining to Gerald that she felt like buying a bottle of scotch to drown out the constant shrieking, I think Nyo shrieks because she is a happy little bird, ha ha, not to mention exceedingly spoilt.


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