Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Misty morning

Have just been driving down the country roads and it is all misty today, rolling in off the fields like a white blanket. The mist always gives me a feeling of stepping back in time, I almost expect to see ghostly figures on horseback emerging from the swirling whiteness. Of course where we live is the area where Dick Turpin used to roam around on his business, there is even a cave in the forest where he is supposed to have frequented. It is all very magical and mysterious.
When I was running yesterday, I saw Gerald go past in his car, I was waving like anything and he did see me in the end. His car really suits him, it seemed quite normal to see him whizzing off towards town.
It was so cold yesterday, it was one of those days where I just couldn't get warm all day, even last night when Gerald lit the fire and the orange flames were glowing brightly across the room, I still sat there and shivered. The only time I got warm was when the fire had been going for ages and it was nearly time to go to bed.
My sister called yesterday, I only spoke to her briefly, of course she can do no wrong in my Mum's eyes, it is only me who is the big bad tempered nasty old wolf!


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