Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Death of a Pigeon

Another varied day in the country, I had to get up early to take my mum to her job. On the way out the door I noticed a large pigeon had collapsed in the garden, I tried to prod it with a stick but it didn't respond. My Mum insisted that it was dead, she probably didn't want to be late, she must have known how long it would take me to manoeuvre Gerald's tank out the driveway to release my small, nippy vehicle. Anyway, I decided to take her on the scenic route, where I go running sometimes, the road winds through the greenest country fields and it is far more pleasant than going through the town.
When I eventually arrived back home, I noticed with horror that the pigeon was in fact alive, as it had moved, but it was obviously severely injured and distressed when I went near it. I felt ill, so I called Gerald, he yelled at me to go and get a brick, I refused point blank to partake in such activity, but I didn't know what to do to help the pigeon. Fortunately for me nature took it's course as when I went back to look at it a few minutes later , it had been finished off by a cat and there were feathers all over the front garden.
After that episode, it was time to visit my orthodontist, he had to file down several of my teeth to make space for them to move. It was awful, the smell of burning tooth and quite painful at times , I was moaning and squirming, but he persisted, complaining that I was biting his finger. He then proceeded to sing to me, which did manage to distract me slightly. At the end of it he said "Are you all right?" Well no actually, I should have sedation for that sort of thing.
And so the day went on and on. Nyo had a seizure and then chewed my finger to pieces despite the fact that I'd saved her yet again. I was busy the whole afternoon and then went for a run in the early evening, just before sunset, there was quite a bit of traffic on the main road, I was running faster than it was moving!


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