Monday, March 03, 2008

I am here, really

Hello everyone, I have dragged myself from my deathbed to write to you, nothing so dramatic really, I have been lying down as I have had the migraine from hell, it really is typical, I was extolling the virtues of moving further out and just saying how I never seem to get these headaches anymore, then what happens? This isn't the only reason why I haven't been online however, it was also because last week we lost our internet connection for a couple of days. Gerald had to make endless calls to the useless helpline, he ended up fixing it himself in the end which makes you wonder what chance to people stand if they really don't know anything about computers in the first place? Imagine me trying to follow all those instructions, I can't even type fast and once when I went on the online help it took me so long to write a reply that the bloke thought I had gone!!
Just thought I would mention that Gerald has created a masterpiece with Infinity, our new track. I will be thrilled when it is released on Saturday. It really makes my head go funny when I listen to it..


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