The pit-bull with wings

This is Nyo everyone, my lovely little shrieking ball of feathers. She is climbing on her dressing gown which I have to hang over the door,she actually makes nests in the sleeves and the pockets, and she would quite happily stay in there all the time. Whenever we are at home we let her out of her cage, she flies over to her gown and that's where she rules the household from. She demands games and attention a lot of the time and I must admit that I have thoroughly spoilt her. Her favourite game at the moment is to fly down and sit on my knee, proceed with an elaborate preening ritual and then fluff up her feathers and go off to sleep with her head tucked under her wing. Then you feel guilty about chasing her off because she looks so sweet, most of the time I end up snoozing with her for about half an hour, it 's like a kind of enforced relaxation. There would have been a time, when she was younger, that she would have lulled me into a false sense of security and then suddenly given me an almighty nip on the stomach or something! Her worst habit? Incessantly shrieking the same note whilst you are trying to concentrate really hard on something!
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