Friday, June 29, 2007


I was in such a deep sleep, I got a fright when the alarm went off! Have found it really difficult to wake up as well, like I've been punched in the eyes! Then I remembered about tomorrow and the little butterflies started zooming around in my stomach.
The sunshine streams in through the window today, there is a trace of blue sky under the cotton wool clouds, so all is well in London, I don't think the rain has quite left, but it's holding out.
We had some really cool badges made for the festival and this week , on top of getting all the music ready for the set, Gerald has been designing flyers . He has also designed a Sonic Spells T-shirt, so soon you will be able to order your very own. Isn't that fab?
I must be on my way because I've just found out that there are problems on the Underground, apparently someone is under a train again, what a way to go! Will let you all know how it goes tomorrow of course!


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