Saturday, March 03, 2007

Nature freak

I am recharging at the moment, although I feel that I could sleep for ages more, there are things to be done and places to go! Still trying to get used to all this new furniture, even Nyo seems a bit curious about it all.
Apparently they have found the cause of all this rogue petrol that is being sold. When you think about it, it has the potential to bring the whole country to a halt, you could make a great film about the sabotage of the fuel depots. I must admit it's not very comforting to drive, knowing what has happened to so many people. Imagine zooming down the motorway and all of a sudden your engine cuts out, could put you in a dangerous position really. Well today I am pleased to announce that I will be making use of public transport, I shall take my Mp3 player and chill out, maybe do some reading.
My favourite magazine is National Geographic, surprise, surprise. I have been fascinated by it's articles since I was a baby, my Mum used to use the vivid pictures to capture our attention and still to this day I subscribe to it. I have a big pile of them, sometimes I don't get time to read all the features and I'm always saying to Gerald that if I ever get sick, I will just lie in bed and read National Geo all day. Fortunately, it hasn't happened !


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