Monday, May 26, 2008

We have awoken today to a torrential downpour which has made our roof leak, I am sitting here writing to the sounds of water dripping into a bucket, I hope the ceiling doesn't give in.
Yesterday we went gambling and lost all of our money, I wasn't too impressed and wished I'd taken more, I could have played for a lot longer, it was actually Gerald who was the sensible one who said we should go. I was quite prepared to stay and try to win it all back. Still, I suppose we had a good laugh whilst we were there and afterwards we went for a lovely meal in a Mexican restaurant. I had to walk all the way back from the station in my high shoes, we had made a deal that if we won we would get a cab back, no such luck, my poor legs.
The rain is relentless, a typical Bank Holiday in the UK. Did I mention that Gerald has a bike now and the other day we went out in the forest, him riding and me running. It was great to have someone with me, but it must have been frustrating for him to keep on stopping so I could catch up. I could have actually just run for ages , the forest was so beautifully lush and green, totally different to a few weeks ago. It was truly invigorating and inspiring to be there.


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