Sunday, August 19, 2007


It's amazing how different you feel after a good sleep, it makes such a difference not to be tired. Tried to languish in bed a little longer, but Nyo was really shrieking to come out of her cage, the kind of shriek that can be heard all the way down the road. Perfect running weather today, in other words it is raining. I shall be glad to go to Zimbabwe for some sunshine, at least they've still got that. My Mum is managing with food as some of her friends are driving to Botswana or South Africa to stock up on groceries, isn't that ridiculous?
This weekend is the V Festival, now they will be wallowing in mud as well. I was shocked to see the devastation left by Hurricane Dean as well as it sweeps through the Caribbean, it's definitely not a good time of year to go on holiday there. I remember when we went to Tobago a couple of years ago, we arrived a day after they had caught the tail end of a hurricane and the whole beach where we were staying had been displaced, apparently it looked completely different to how it did normally. When you think about it , most hotels in the Caribbean are built right on the beaches, so it must be a pretty scary experience if you happen to be there when nature strikes.
On the news last night they had footage of two astronauts repairing their space shuttle in space, I was truly fascinated and jealous, I would love to go into space and look down at the earth, it must look like a marble.


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