Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Have you heard of the narwhal?

Really appreciating the beautiful weather still, the rain seems a distant memory. I feel sorry for all the farmers having to deal with the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, it was awful last time when so many animals had to be slaughtered. No country walks either.
I was reading in National Geo about a curious creature that I have never heard of before, the Narwhal. It is a whale that has a long ivory tusk like a unicorn and they live in the cold waters of the Arctic. Of course they are being hunted for their tusks, which are very valuable, so it is yet another creature that will no doubt be on the endangered species list. I am fascinated by them because they look strange, yet magnificent, almost as if they belong to another time. They look like gentle creatures as well. In the springtime, when the ice melts, they migrate to certain areas and that's where the humans wait for them with their guns, what a greeting! Apparently it is very difficult to kill with one shot and a lot of the whales escape wounded. Out of all the ones they shoot, very few are retrieved anyway, in other words they sink to the bottom of the ocean, just killed for nothing. I was sad to read about all of this, I wish that the hunters would just leave them alone.


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