Thursday, July 26, 2007

Strange Dreams

Does anyone know anything about dreams, because I had such a weird one last night, I'm sure I met a wizard!
What happened was that I was at my Mum's house and at the bottom of the garden there was a pine forest. A lady appeared with a child, she allowed the child to shoot a pellet gun towards the house. I was outraged so I went down to confront her, took the pellet gun from the child and threw it on the ground.
All of a sudden a man appeared and he stood beside the woman. He started drawing symbols in the air and a silver-grey dust appeared in his hands, which he threw towards me. I realised that I must protect myself, so I started to draw Reiki symbols to counteract him. Again he drew more symbols, the dust appeared and he threw threw it at me, and once again I protected myself.
A hare suddenly appeared from nowhere, it bounded up the hill past me in big leaps and it jumped onto the roof of the house, where it turned into a silver-grey bird. It flew towards me as if it wanted to attack, I lifted my hands to protect my face and then I woke up. It was very weird indeed. Can anyone shed light on it?


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